French Fling: Aux Comptoirs du Chineur

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Thursday 22 May 2008

Aux Comptoirs du Chineur

The first thing to catch your eye about Aux Comptoirs du Chineur is the original 1970's bubble chair hanging in the window. How Laurent (the buyer, owner and general man-about-town who runs the store) got it through the front door and then attached it to the ceiling is anyone's guess. But this is real 1970's stuff, an original piece that is undoubtedly really cool (and comes with a real price-tag - 3200 euro, thanks for asking) - as is everything else you find in Aux Comptoirs du Chineur. And as such, is worth sticking your neck out for.

Aux Comptoirs du Chineur is not your average vintage store. There is no pervasive musty smell, the guy in the corner isn't some crusty septuagenarian that eyes you with suspicion, and you actually find loads of things that you'd like to call your own - all of which are in good condition. Yes, this little palace of chaos (artful chaos, mind you) is a collection of hand-picked gear mostly from the 1950s through to the 1980s, with little diversions such as a great pair of 1920s heels or electro LPs from the 1990s.

Laurent is very careful about what he choose to stock: you will not find any outright junk in the store. You will find Bakelite telephones, roller-skates, sunglasses (starting at 10 euro), more shoes and boots than are quite possibly strictly necessary (the man has an eye for shoes, it must be said, though none of these are really cheap - maybe 100 euro for a pair of motorcycle boots in good condition), jackets, vinyl and a great collection of paraphernalia too numerous to mention, that would look inappropriately appropriate just about anywhere.

Aux Comptoirs du Chineur - vintage that is definitely seeing better days.

Aux Comptoirs du Chineur / 49, rue Saint Paul / 75004 Paris / Ph: (+33) / Hours: 2 - 8pm daily, except Monday / Metro: St Paul

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could spend hours just looking at the pictures! Knowing me, I'm sure it's certainly cheaper than setting foot in the real thing ...